
graphics taken and designed by Spencer Johanna.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The secrets of the past rest

I had a secret, truth would reveal,
About a time I tried to steal.
For many a year, it rot inside,
And got so big, I could not hide.
Chimes of guilt in my head have now rung,
Tears of painful memories-falling, they begun.
The story was spilled, I felt so ashamed,
I was judged, alone, and ultimately blamed.
No one would accept me for what I had done,
And the secrets of my past could not be overcome.
Until a man named Jesus died just for me,
He took away my sin and set me free.
He accepted me as I was, and took me at my worst,
And that's why in my life, I put him first.
People will wag their tongues to ears that should not hear,
But when you have Jesus, to whom shall you fear?
The time has come to let the secrets of your past rest,
And give it to the man who loves you the best.